Your experts for abdominal wall and inguinal hernias in Berlin

As experienced hernia surgeons, we offer you highly qualified diagnostics and surgical treatment of inguinal and abdominal wall hernias. 


Through our regular participation in national and international congresses, we are scientifically up to date in hernia surgery and apply these findings directly in surgery.


We are your competent contact in Berlin and would be pleased to welcome you for a personal consultation in our practice. 


Your PD Dr. Dietmar Jacob


Easy appointment making online


You can book appointments conveniently online in our DOCTOLIB appointment calendar.

Please note our 2 locations when booking. Operations only take place in Steglitz.

  • Please bring your current insurance card with you: Without presenting a valid card, we will have to bill you as a self-payer according to GOÄ.
  • Please remember that we do not hold consultations by e-mail and that you will need to come to our practice if you have any technical questions.
  • Important: If you are unable to keep your appointment, please inform us in good time. Other patients who are urgently waiting for an appointment will thank you.
  • Cancellation of appointments: Please use DOCTOLIB or send a short message to

English speaking doctors:

PD Dr. Jacob, Dr. Sepe, Dr. von Rüden

Our main focus in hernia surgery

Umbilical hernia

Umbilical hernia, also known as umbilical hernia, is a common gap in the umbilical region through which fat and, in large hernias, loops of intestine can bulge.

Epigastric hernia

Epigastric hernia, or upper abdominal hernia, is a gap above the umbilicus in the midline (lina alba). Due to a widened midline (rectus diastse), these hernias occur more frequently and fat, and in large hernias, intestinal loops may bulge.

Inguinal hernia

Inguinal hernia is a gap in the inguinal canal that often occurs in men and causes rather pulling discomfort in the groin area in addition to a bump. Incarceration of fatty tissue or intestine is very rare.

Rectus diastasis

The term rectus diastasis describes a gap in the middle of the abdomen between the straight abdominal muscles, which occurs frequently after pregnancy, weight training and obesity. 

Women in particular are often unsure whether they have a rectus diastasis.


We therefore offer a special speaking hours for women after pregnancies and diagnose a possible diastasis and discuss therapy options.

Why come to us?


With the experience of over 4000 surgeries and many publications, we have a very large expertise in the field of hernia surgery. Benefit from our experience.



Short waiting times

Through our online appointment system we always have appointments for you at short notice, please check our online appointment calendar DOCTOLIB


Tailored Approach

Patients are cared for individually and we put together an optimal, tailored therapy (so-called tailored approach). Open and minimally invasive operations are used.


One contact person

It is particularly important to us that the entire treatment is in one hand and that you are cared for throughout by experienced specialists. Before, during and after the operation.

Outpatient surgery preferred

Hernia surgery is a matter of trust. At our clinic, all patients are treated only by specialists in the treatment of abdominal wall and inguinal hernias. You know your surgeon and can turn to him or her with confidence even after the operation. No anonymity or long waiting times in emergency rooms.


In hernia surgery, minor procedures such as umbilical or upper abdominal hernias can be performed very well on an outpatient basis. As a patient, this gives you the following advantages:

  • You know your surgeons and the anesthesia is performed by a very experienced anesthesiologist.
  • You do not have to be afraid of the anesthesia and you are guaranteed to wake up every time.
  • No waiting time before surgery and no appointment cancellations or postponements due to emergencies.
  • Friendly and individual care during the operation. We are always available for you.
  • No risk of infection with multi-resistant germs.
  • Better recovery in familiar surroundings, at your home. 

Outpatient operations are performed in our practice in Berlin-Lankwitz, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Straße 24-26.


Nevertheless, there are also cases that have to be performed as in-patient operations with overnight stays. Here we operate in the Schöneberg Clinic and in the Havel Clinic in Berlin.

Quality is important to us

Since 2014, we have voluntarily participated in the HERNIAMED quality assurance study with our patients who agree to this.


All patients who have undergone surgery with us are briefly interviewed after 1, 5 and 10 years and the results are documented. On the basis of this data, we have been able to gain many new insights that have been directly incorporated into patient care.


As a distinction for this quality service, we were awarded the seal of the German Hernia Society (DHG).

Consultation hours

Please note our special office hours during which competent advice is guaranteed.


Steglitz (Lankwitz)


9 a.m. - 12 p.m.


1 p.m. - 4 p.m.


 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.

  1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Wednesday 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.



9 a.m. - 12 p.m.

  1 p.m. - 4 p.m.

9 a.m. - 2 p.m.


Zehlendorf (Dahlem)

Monday 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
  1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Tuesday 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
  1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Wednesday 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Thursday 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
  1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Friday 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
  1 p.m. - 4 p.m.

Open consultation hours for hernias: We can only treat as many patients as our capacities allow!

Steglitz: Tuesday and Wednesday 08:00 a.m.

Zehlendorf: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 08:00 a.m.

The above times are without guarantee (no consultation hours on operation days, emergencies, illness).

Our special speaking hours

The treatment of abdominal wall and inguinal hernias during pregnancy

Spezielle Sprechstunde: Hernien in der Schwangerschaft

The formation of abdominal wall hernias during pregnancy is a common phenomenon and mostly harmless. Nevertheless, patients are often confused and there are also differential diagnoses that are not so well known.


Based on our expertise, we can answer all your questions, allay your fears and give you honest advice on whether and when surgery is advisable. Trust the experts.

Please book an appointment in our hernia consultation hours 

The safe diagnosis and therapy of rectus diastases after pregnancy

Spezielle Sprechstunde: Rektusdiastase nach Schwangerschaft

A pathological widening of the straight abdominal muscles (rectus muscle) is called rectus diastasis, whereby a gap of more than 2 cm is already considered pathological widening in Germany. This is often associated with a very thin abdominal wall, in which the formation of upper abdominal and umbilical hernias is favored.


The therapy of this abdominal wall slackening is problematic, since existing abdominal wall hernias in particular must be treated professionally. Special expertise is important here, which requires interdisciplinary therapy.


We offer you a detailed consultation and whether an operation is necessary.


In a large practice with many patients, not everything always goes smoothly. We are working on ourselves and you are welcome to send your criticism directly to me at so that we can also improve. 


Of course, we are also happy to receive positive feedback and/or a rating on GOOGLE.


Ihr PD Dr. Dietmar Jacob

(practice owner)

Other services of our practice

We are specialize in minimally invasive treatment of rectal conditions - painless and on an outpatient basis. Our experts deal empathetically with the issue of hemorrhoidal disease, anal fistulas and anal fissures. For good results we use the latest therapy methods - so you are always in good hands with us.

For over 10 years, we have specialized in minimally invasive therapy of pilonidal cyst (pilonidal sinus). Large excisions should be a thing of the past. Most findings can be operated on under local anesthesia using the pit picking technique, sinusectomy or laser therapy. We have compiled detailed information for you.

Our practice in Lankwitz is designated as a transit doctor's practice for occupational accidents - with a specialist guarantee. But also orthopedic clinical pictures are successfully treated without surgery according to the latest standard by our experts.

Location Steglitz

Kaiser-Wilhelm-Str. 24-26

12247 Berlin-Lankwitz


Tel   030 76 88 66 33

Fax 030 76 88 66 329




OP registration


Public transportation

S-Bahn - S Lichterfelde Ost Bhf (S25 und RE5)

S-Bahn - S Lankwitz (S25 und S26)

Bus - Kaiser-Wilhelm-Str./Seydlitzstr. (284 und 184)


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Location Zehlendorf

Clayallee 225

14195 Berlin


Tel   030 76 88 66 33

Fax 030 76 88 66 329




OP registration


The practice is above the pharmacy


Public transportation

U-Bahn - U Oskar-Helene-Heim (U3)

Bus - U Oskar-Helene-Heim (X10, 285 und 115)

Bus - Clayallee 229

(285, 623 und 115)


By car

There is a large underground parking garage directly below the practice. Access is on the property and the fee is €2 per hour.


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Location of the practice in Dahlem
Lageplan Clayallee 225.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 1.3 MB

Safety through expertise